Baby banana mash!


Baby banana mash is a great first food to start with for your little one. It's simple it's fast and most importantly it's fresh and has no preservatives in it.
I like the idea of not feeding Zane things I wouldn't enjoy. Everyone has been to the baby shower where you play the awful guess the baby food game and its hard to tell the difference between the fruit and the meat baby food Blech!! So with my journey into motherhood I hope to be able to give my wee one the best nutritional food I can. So with this first post come with me on my journey. It may not always be pretty but hopefully it will be entertaining lol!

First recipe Baby Banana Mash

1 banana
breast milk or formula

tools needed
potato masher

Peel banana and cut in half mash banana in bowl and then stir in breast milk or formula until it reaches the desired consistency. That really just depends on the age of your little one.  As they get older you can mix in other fruits or even roast the bananas in the oven and leave out the formula or breastmilk. Thats it thats the end of the recipe!! You jut made fresh baby food! Oh ya the other half of the banana enjoy for yourself!

slice banana longways and put on a baking sheet and put under broiler for a few minutes for a roasted banana mash. This is super yummy for adults too!

Tips banana mash is best if served right away. This does not freeze.

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