Tropical carrot salad


I don't know how but I have 3 huge bags of carrots in my fridge..... so here is a carrot salad recipe. This would be a great side dish to take to a picnic or potluck. It's easy and not that I think you should have to be sneaky with your vegetables or anything but this stuff is so sweet and delicious. It's a very fun way to get your veggies in.

Easy Popovers


Ok so when I say easy popovers I do mean that. Having said that my popovers didn't exactly POP well they did but then they dropped. But these popovers were delicious and Zane loved them. We ate them with home made apple butter. They were light, fluffy, and super easy.

WW pumpkin brownie muffins!


 I got this recipe from my best friend and I could not believe first off that anything with devils food cake could be WW friendly and secondly that it would taste good. Wow was I wrong! Two of these mini muffins are only 5pts and they are delicious! Plus this recipe is so easy it takes only minutes to make. Now that's what I'm talkin about! Mom friendly, diet friendly and cake lovers every where friendly!

Crayon stars


 Got a bunch of broken crayons? Or just feel like making crayon stars? I made these for Zane because right now with him being so little these will be much easier for him to grab and color with.

Peanut butter fluff bars

I have been seriously craving peanut butter and chocolate lately so expect alot of recipes involving those to come :)